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ENGA Newsletter No. 06 :: September 2022

Dear Readers,

The focus of this newsletter is Non-GMO soy – the most important Non-GMO crop, mainly used in the livestock sector to produce milk, eggs and poultry - the most prominent labelled Non-GMO products on the market. 

The good news is: availability is not an issue. The demand - for about 3 million tonnes of Non-GMO soy per year in Europe - can be met, as our first two articles report. The forecast for Europe’s 2022 harvest is between 1.2 and 1.5 million tonnes Non-GMO soy, confirmed by ENGA member Donau Soja, 600,000 tonnes of that is from Ukraine. In addition, Mato Grosso, Brazil’s largest soy producing area, has increasing volumes of Non-GMO cultivation. The amount of certified Non-GMO soy is expected to be higher than the just under 2 million tonnes from last season, certified by ENGA member ProTerra in 2021. 

A country that we do not often hear news of is Moldova. The Moldovan Parliament has just passed a law which will allow GMOs to be restricted or prohibited on national territory. When the law comes into force in summer 2024, Moldova will be aligned with EU legislation – and could be an attractive source for Non-GMO crops for European markets. 

As for the deregulation debate of New GMOs, the EU Commission has published a summary report of the "Public consultation on plants produced by certain New Genomic Techniques".  ENGA refused to answer a so-called "targeted survey" due to a lack of professional standards. Now the EC is expected to present a legislative proposal in the second half of 2023.

Please support us by distributing this newsletter within your network. To regularly receive our newsletter, and get all the latest updates on Non-GMO in Europe, subscribe. Also keep in touch with ENGA by following us on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Please feel free to inform your partners and networks about the work and goals of ENGA, and to increase our strength on the European market and towards the European regulatory bodies by having as many business platforms and companies as possible join our cause.

Kind regards,

Heike Moldenhauer

Secretary General

Soy field

European soy harvest remains stable, despite challenges

Despite the huge challenges facing the European soy market, mostly triggered by the war in Ukraine with its significant soy cultivation areas, the European soy harvest in 2022 remains resilient. We have the latest 2022 European Non-GMO soy harvest volumes from our member Donau Soja. 

Brazil soy field

Brazil forecasts record soy harvest

The news from Brazil is also good! The Brazilian state agency, Conab, expects a record soybean harvest. And Non-GMO volumes have also seen an increase in volumes in Mato Grosso, the largest soybean area in the country.

Read on to find out all the latest harvest figures from our member, ProTerra.

Soy beans

New GMO law in Moldova means GMOs will be strictly regulated and may be banned

Despite the fact the big soy producer, Moldova, does not cultivate GMO crops, there has been a lack of oversight and there are GMOs present on the Moldovan market. A new law, recently passed by the Moldovan Parliament, will put a stop to illegal cultivation and bring tighter regulation, controls and transparency.

Read more about the situation in Moldova and the new law in an article from Donau Soja's Moldova office Director.

European Non-GMO Industry Association

Rue du Monastère 10-12
1000 Bruxelles

Telephone: +32 493 3354 91
Email: info(at)enga(dot)org