Statement from ENGA: AGRIFISH Council


Today (11th December 2023) the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union concluded that there is not the necessary majority of Member States in order to continue with its compromise text of the proposal for the deregulation of New Genomic Techniques (New GMOs). In an encouraging development, it means that the negotiations will continue under the Belgian presidency in 2024.

Heike Moldenhauer, Secretary General of ENGA, stated:

“It is clear that many Member States are not content with the proposed deregulation of New GMOs – they have serious concerns with the text and what it will mean for the agriculture and food sectors in their countries and for their citizens.”

“We will continue to fight for our right to conduct GMO-free business and the necessary means we need to do so: traceability, labelling and detection methods for all NGTs (category 1 and category 2) and for all NGT products (seeds, feed, food, other products), as well as EU-wide legally binding coexistence measures to avoid contamination of GMO-free agriculture and food production.”

Read more about the ENGA position on New GMOs: