International Non-GMO Summit 2023 on May 9-10th in Frankfurt, Germany


High-level Representatives of the full Non-GMO Value Chain to Meet at Unprecedented Global Conference

This May (9-10th) will see the first ever International Non-GMO Summit taking place in Frankfurt, Germany. The Summit will be an unprecedented get-together for all parts of the Non-GMO value chain – from the major raw materials providers to traders, food producers and through to retailers. It will bring together the key European and South American players, making for a truly international exchange and highlighting the rising visibility and market relevance of Non-GMO food and feed products in the wider agricultural and food sectors in many European countries.

The Summit will be a welcome opportunity to share information about the availability of Non-GMO crops and about the expectations and needs of Non-GMO producers and processors. It will have a particular focus on Non-GMO soy and its link with certified deforestation-free production, which has risen in importance in recent years, given environmental and climate change concerns. 

According to most recent EU legislation, goods placed on the EU market must not have led to deforestation and forest degradation anywhere in the world after 31 December 2020. Consequently, “deforestation-free” has also become a key requirement for food and food ingredients in the EU. The Summit will explore how Non-GMO and deforestation-free production and certification can go hand in hand; with credible sustainability certification standards such as Donau Soja or Pro Terra allowing traceability from farm to supermarket shelf, doing the hard work for producers, traders and retailers to ensure that their soy is entirely deforestation-free and Non-GMO. 

The Non-GMO Summit will be a forum for exchange and discussion on key issues such as the availability of Non-GMO soybeans, from both Brazil and Europe (with a focus on Ukraine).  Experts from both continents will be present to give the latest figures on harvests, yields and prices. There will also be sessions on highly relevant topics such as sustainability, consumer demand and strengthening supply. 

Germany's Agricultural Minister Cem Özdemir and the First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, Taras Vysotskyi will address the International Non-GMO Summit with introductory statements. Representatives of Brazilian agricultural politics are expected as well.

The full program of the conference, including references to all speakers, can be found at

The Non-GMO Summit is hosted and coordinated by the key business associations in the Non-GMO market: ARGE Gentechnik-frei, Donau Soja, ENGA, ProTerra Foundation and VLOG.
It will be taking place at the Hilton Frankfurt Airport, Germany on 9-10 May 2023.

To register for the Summit or to find out more: