Dear Readers,
New Commissioners in office who are responsible for the New Genomic Techniques (NGTs) file, a Polish Presidency from 2025, which will endeavour to find a common position of the Member States in the Council in order to open the trilogue on a new NGT legislation with the Commission and the EU Parliament - 2025 will be an important year for the Non-GMO sector. And ENGA will do its utmost to ensure that 2025 will also be a good year for our sector. Read our political update on what is going on in Brussels regarding new GMOs.
According to our fifth Non-GMO market report, the market for the three most important Non-GM crops - soya, maize and rapeseed - in Europe is mixed. Poorer harvests due to weather anomalies in Eastern Europe, imports of Non-GM soy from Brazil to Europe at a historically low level, but significantly higher imports from Ukraine to help secure demand lead us to the following recommendation: Consider early orders and long term contracts.
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Please feel free to inform your partners and networks about the work and goals of ENGA, and to increase our strength on the European market and towards the European regulatory bodies by having as many business platforms and companies as possible join our cause.
All that is left for us is to wish you a “happy holidays”. May it be peaceful and relaxing for you, so that we all start 2025 full of energy!
Kind regards,
Heike Moldenhauer
Secretary General