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ENGA Newsletter No. 13: July 2023

Dear readers,

The European Commission’s proposal for a new regulation on New Genomic Techniques (NGTs) is out. With its lowering, or even abolishing, the current food safety and transparency standards for NGTs it is as bad as expected. Read our analysis: What does the proposal look like? What would it mean for the EU food sector in general and specifically for the conventional and organic Non-GMO sectors? What is needed to maintain a GMO-free agriculture?

If you would like more insights into the political debate, key arguments and opportunities for the Non-GMO sectors to advocate for its business interests, please register for our webinar on the 19th of September. A perfect time, as negotiations are expected to start after the summer break with those who are now the relevant players, the European Parliament and the member states.

“Plant-based foods will slowly enter our diets replacing their meat equivalent.” This is what Joeri Hollink, from Ojah, one of the speakers on our International Non-GMO summit in May, prophecies as a first step, before - in a second step - consumers will start to cook differently, without meat surrogates. Find out more about a successful Dutch start-up focused on food made of sustainable Non-GMO, local soy plant protein. 

Soy is the world’s most important source of protein and the most important plant for the Non-GMO sector – and was the one and only topic at the 11th World Soybean Research Conference (WSRC) hosted by Donau Soja in June. Learn about the history of soy use and the role it has to play in current and future sustainable food systems.

Please support us by distributing this newsletter within your network. To regularly receive our newsletter and get all the latest updates on Non-GMO in Europe, subscribe. Also keep in touch with ENGA by following us on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Please feel free to inform your partners and networks about the work and goals of ENGA, and to increase our strength on the European market and towards the European regulatory bodies by having as many business platforms and companies as possible join our cause.

ENGA’s newsletter will take a summer break and be back in September. Wishing you a pleasant summer! 

Kind regards, 

Heike Moldenhauer
Secretary General

NGT deregulation proposal – GMO-free food production at risk

The wait is over! The European Commission finally published its long-anticipated legislative proposal on New Genomic Techniques (or New GMOs) on 5th July. The writing was on the wall for some time that the Commission - strongly influenced it seems by big seed companies - would opt for a deregulation. The Commission keeping only a small number of New GMOs regulated, have invented a whole new category of GMOs. Sounds complicated? It is! We have the full explanation of how the Commission plans on watering down - or even abolishing - the current safety and transparency standards and how in doing so it is putting the European Union’s GMO-free agriculture and food production at risk. 

Plant-based foods – a cultural revolution

Given the data, it's clear that plant-based foods is a market not to be ignored. It ticks many boxes in terms of sustainability and also responding to the desire for healthier lifestyles. And, according to Joeri Hollink, Head of Product Development at Ojah (plant based foods specialists) Non-GMO is an integral part of the sustainability criteria of their products. ENGA spoke to Joeri for the low-down on this growing market. 

Soy: the bean that shaped the world

Soy - climate change scape goat or power bean which could be the answer to sustainability conundrums? Maybe both... These were some of the hot topics at the 11th World Soybean Research Conference (WSRC), which took place in June in Vienna. The WSRC explored the role of the soybean as food and feed in times of global climate crisis and the need for a “protein transition” in Europe. We've got a summary of the high-level, week-long event. 

Save The Date: ENGA webinar on NGT proposal - 19th September

This September, ENGA will host a webinar on the European Commission's legislative proposal on New Genomic Techniques.

Please save the date: 19th September, 2-3pm. 

This will be the opportunity to hear in detail what the legislative proposal entails, what it means for the food sector, including the conventional and organic Non-GMO sectors.

We will also update on the status of the political negotiations and explain ENGA’s position.

We hope to see you there - more details will follow! 

European Non-GMO Industry Association

Rue du Monastère 10-12
1000 Bruxelles

Telephone: +32 493 3354 91
Email: info(at)enga(dot)org