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ENGA Newsletter No. 11: April 2023

Dear readers,

The countdown for the International Non-GMO summit is on! Join us in two weeks’ time in Frankfurt, Germany, on the 9-10th of May 2023 and reserve your ticket for the physical event-only directly on the website: 

A couple of weeks ahead of the Summit, the European Parliament has adopted a groundbreaking law which bans the selling of products within the EU which are linked to deforestation or land conversion. This will be a main discussion point at the Summit, introduced by experts from the ProTerra Foundation and Donau Soja who will speak about how Non-GMO soy and traceable deforestation-free schemes go hand-in-hand.  

Good news from Germany: In 2022, sales of "Ohne Gentechnik" (Non-GMO) products have increased by about 21 percent to almost 16 billion euros. To continue this success story a strict regulation for new GMOs is needed – as supported by seven environment ministers who challenged the EU Commission’s deregulation plans at their meeting in March. While it is an open question what a future EU law for new GMOs will look like, England (not the UK) has decided to abolish risk assessment and labelling requirements for new GMOs.  

Finally, we introduce our member Upländer Farmers’ Dairy, the first dairy in Germany that met the strict criteria for labelling conventional milk products as Non-GMO, back in 2005. It has been processing only organic milk, self-evidently Non-GMO, since 2009.

Please support us by distributing this newsletter within your network. To regularly receive our newsletter and get all the latest updates on Non-GMO in Europe, subscribe. Also keep in touch with ENGA by following us on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Please feel free to inform your partners and networks about the work and goals of ENGA, and to increase our strength on the European market and towards the European regulatory bodies by having as many business platforms and companies as possible join our cause.

Kind regards,

Heike Moldenhauer

Secretary General

Deregulation of New GMOs: Raising resistance in the EU, Bill adopted in England

With the path of the EU's new legislative proposal on so-called New Genomic Techniques not going smoothly. And England's Bill about the same technology having just recently received its final legislative stamp of approval, there is plenty to update you on in the political world regarding GMOs. Read on to hear which EU ministers have challenged the Commission's deregulation plans of New GMOs and what problems England's deregulation may bring in terms of exports and contamination. 

MEPs agree on new deforestation regulation ahead of Summit

Deforestation is a hot topic in the EU right now, fresh from the approval by MEPs of a new law banning the sale of products linked to deforestation and land conversion. It is the perfect time then to bring together the main players from the Non-GMO value chains from both Europe and Brazil, who will meet at the Non-GMO Summit, in Frankfurt on 9-10 May and deforestation-free and its link with Non-GMO will be one of the main topics. 

Meet our member: Upländer Farmers’ Dairy

In the latest in our series of articles introducing ENGA members, for this newsletter we interview Upländer Farmers’ Dairy - founded in 1996 by 18 organic farmers together with environmentalists, private and business people - today it includes more than 100 farms. A real pioneer in introducing Non-GMO for dairy products in Germany, it was the first dairy to label conventional milk with a Non-GMO logo in 2005. 

European Non-GMO Industry Association

Rue du Monastère 10-12
1000 Bruxelles

Telephone: +32 493 3354 91
Email: info(at)enga(dot)org